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The Chinese welding master once again won the gold medal in the world welding competition!


From August 22 to 27, 2019, the forty-fifth World Skills Competition was held in Kazan, Russia. The young welding player of the Chinese team, Zhao Yubo, won the gold medal in the world of the welding masters, and won the championship for the country! congratulations! His success has allowed the Chinese welding team to win the championship of the welding competition of the World Skills Competition three times in a row.. Such outstanding achievements are the pride of the country and the pride of the Chinese welding industry. All the people cheered for it!

Closing ceremony

The winner of the 45th World Welding Competition, Zhao Fubo

All the welding experts, coaches, and leaders of the Chinese training bases who participated in the competition worked hard for the competition and selfless dedication. The joint efforts of all of us laid the final successful defending.

Winners and chinese welding experts

The welding competition of the 45th World Skills Competition has gone through more than a year from the organization of the selection competition to the finals in Guangzhou. The hard work has made their dreams come true, and the peoples of the TIME GROUP have witnessed their efforts.

Participants in the China Selection Competition of the 45th World Skills Competition

The venue of the China Selection Competition for the 45th World Skills Competition

东至县| 新化县| 剑河县| 建湖县| 丹阳市| 普洱| 于田县| 石渠县| 开远市| 两当县| 邵阳市| 沂南县| 炉霍县| 西吉县| 登封市| 临清市| 莎车县| 济阳县| 淳化县| 武隆县| 克什克腾旗| 图们市| 讷河市| 威远县| 济阳县| 中牟县| 阿拉尔市| 屯门区| 嵊州市| 镇巴县| 大英县| 建湖县| 四子王旗| 英山县| 美姑县| 淳化县| 东莞市| 开江县| 屏东县| 大同县| 万宁市|